Welcome1.0 |
"Reading is boring!" "I hate to
read!" "I just can't find anything that I like!" I am sure
at one point or another most of us have made a negative comment about
reading. Reading can be a challenging and difficult task for some
because it stretches the reader's brain and demands that the reader
thinks for his or her self. While reading can be scary it can also
be an exciting journey that puts you on the front row of the action and
takes you places all around the world. I encourage each of my students
to join me in exploring the greater joys of reading by investigating
each of the individual components in language arts that go in to making
well written stories.

Students, what I want you to remember is that everyone knows what a
tough time middle school can be. It can be hard to juggle school,
friends, homework, and extra activities, but I am confident that you
will have an amazing year. Keep in mind that I can't answer
questions that you don't ask. |
iTouch_Blog4.0 |
Mrs. Cato was asked by the district to
pilot a classroom set of iTouches in our classroom. Check out the
blog to find out how it is going.
The iTouch Experiment |
Mrs.Cato's_Reads1.0 |
Find out what Mrs. Cato has recently read!
This list contains the young adult books that Mrs. Cato has read over the
last several months. Please be advised that some of these books may
or may not be suited for 6th graders. It is up to parents to decide
what is appropriate for their child to read. |
WebQuest_Alcatraz3.0 |
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